Book Review - The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg
The power of habit book was a fairly enjoyable read and good start to the new year. The prologue of the book is fairly captivating, it starts with a story on how a 34 year old woman who was struggling with obesity, debt, alcohol and a host of other issues turned it around, became fairly successful at work and indeed managed to run a marathon. The author quotes a Duke university finding -- "40% of the actions performed each day weren't actual decisions, but habits". It is by forming the good habits and overwriting the old habits that we turn around our lives. The book has three parts. The first deals with how habits emerge in individual lives, the second in organisations and the third the habits of societies. All the three sections are well laden with anecdotes and stories the make up for a interesting reading. The first section starts with the story of Eugene Pauly, a man who was afflicted with a viral infection that affected a tissue in his brain that was ...