
Showing posts from 2019

What the well informed man is wearing

Deepavali is upon us. Traditionally, we have celebrated Deepavali with new dresses, fire crackers and lots of sweets and savories. For a while, I have been hearing about Microplastics  and how synthetic apparels keep shedding them around. But given that more than 60% of all apparels in the market is made from synthetic, I decided to just research around this a bit. Microplastics, as the name indicates are plastic fragments less than 5mm in size. A substantial source of primary microplastics that pollute are from clothing. As per Story-of-stuff  (watch the video in this article, clearly educational), a single fleece jacket could possibly shed around 250,000 plastic fibers. Additionally the story-of-stuff article goes on to say that a single load of washing machine releases 1900 to 200,000 fibers. These are small enough that are not caught inside the washing machine and are often discharged to the home waste water system, eventually making it to the rivers and oceans. A...