
Showing posts from 2024

The Phone Spell

 Imagine this setting. You have just won back to back Olympic Gold medals. Only three people in history have achieved that feat in your event. You are being anointed as the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) in your field. The whole world is tweeting about your feat, congratulatory messages are flowing from all directions. You also have about two hours in the airport lounge waiting for your next flight. What would you do? Will you relish the accolades, respond to those wishes and calls, read those great articles being written about you? After all, you have spent months and years toiling for this very moment. Or will you just sit still and be with your thoughts? Most of us, by default, will fall in the first category. Unless you are Eliud Kipchoge. After he won the Men's marathon event in the 2021 Olympics at Sapporo (venue was changed from Tokyo because of extreme heat concerns), Kipchoge had to fly back to Tokyo for the medal ceremony. As he was waiting for his flight, a journalist who a

SOW Theorem

One long term goal of mine is to qualify for the Boston marathon. BQ is the holy grail for most amateur runners. The  qualifying times  are fairly challenging and will need some dedicated training effort for someone to have any realistic chance of making it.  The most important component of this training schedule is the weekly running mileage. One needs to clock close to 80 - 90Km/week to be marathon ready.  Since running is one dimensional, it is also advisable to incorporate some kind of cross training, like swimming and cycling as well. The third component is super important -  strength training. As one gets older, the musculoskeletal system is no longer in a great shape to take the pounding and needs to be reinforced.  Is that all? Unfortunately no. We also need to do throw in stretching and mobility exercises (like Yoga) into the mix. One might argue that we do not necessarily need to spend the same amount of time across all of these, but we do need to spend some time across all t

You vs You

Once in a while, I go back and read my previous blog posts. More often that not, I feel good reading them. It gives me a peek into what was some of my "top of mind" thoughts at that time. Ideally, if I have been writing often, at least say once a month, this exercise would have been even more useful. Nevertheless, today was one of those days when I revisited my blog. The one that caught my eye today was one of my recent ones - Creation Vs Consumption . As I read that post, I took a step back to see if I have made any progress at all in this dimension over the last year. Coincidentally, that post was written exactly a year back (So much for this being a recent one). And I have to report that the answer is zero; absolutely no progress. I am still consuming way more than what I am producing. This is even after I include my physical activities and the time that I spend doing seemingly productive things at work (which itself is highly questionable) in the productivity list. Which