Monday, September 1, 2008

BarCamp7, Hyderabad

Over the weekend, I gave a small talk in BarCamp7, Hyderabad. I had not heard of barcamps before, so it was really a revelation. I was surprised by the quantity and quality of the participation. The event was a mix of talks and demos and the participation was certainly not casual, rather treated with a serious intent of sharing and learning. I was lucky to be granted the first slot and had an attentive audience. I thought that my talk was fairly well received.

Some blogs on the event

One other new thing about the trip was that it was my first visit to the new Bangalore International Airport and the new Hyderabad Airport. I agree with the general public opinion that the Hyderabad airport appears to be a better planned and executed project than the Bangalore one. It is more spacious and has a more International look. One thing common to both is the distance from the city. Even then, I could see that the AP Government is building an elevated highway that directly connects the airport to the HiTech city and another highway to the heart of the city. I hope the Bangalore officials do take some cue from their Hyderabad counterparts.

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