Life is all about decisions. Should I take this new opportunity or not? Should we relocate to a new location for better job prospects? Should I do the long run or heed to the imaginary injury? Should I join a class to learn something new or am I already stretched too thin? Should I stay away from that delicious cake on the table? Some of these have high impact, life changing in some sense. Some of these do not have that high impact. Some of those affect only you as an individual; others affect your family and friends as well. Some of them are easy, the others pretty hard. However, they have one thing in common - the only way to avoid status quo and move forward is to make those decisions. All decisions should be consistent with your values, morals and ethics. So, if an option violates your core principles, it is a much easier decision to ignore it and identify the right choice. Such decisions are taken by default and without much cognitive overload. Unfortunately, a lot of d...