
 Life is all about decisions. Should I take this new opportunity or not? Should we relocate to a new location for better job prospects? Should I do the long run or heed to the imaginary injury? Should I join a class to learn something new or am I already stretched too thin? Should I stay away from that delicious cake on the table?

Some of these have high impact, life changing in some sense. Some of these do not have that high impact. Some of those affect only you as an individual; others affect your family and friends as well. Some of them are easy, the others pretty hard. However, they have one thing in common - the only way to avoid status quo and move forward is to make those decisions. 

All decisions should be consistent with your values, morals and ethics. So, if an option violates your core principles, it is a much easier decision to ignore it and identify the right choice. Such decisions are taken by default and without much cognitive overload. Unfortunately, a lot of decisions that we need to make are not that black-and-white. Taking your own water bottle to work and avoiding the one-time-use paper cups is an easy decision. But what do we do when we are out of water in a hot place and have an option buy bottled water? If you are motivated enough and extremely conscious in reducing waste, like a few of my friends are, then you will find a way to avoid buying bottled water. Buying bottled water is the real last resort and you will do whatever it takes to get water through other ways. If, on the other hand, you really do not care that much, like most people are, buying bottled water is a no brainer. In either of these cases, the decision to buy or not buy bottled water is relatively easy, though the consequences may not. However, if you are somewhere in between -- you want to avoid buying plastic but not motivated enough to face the difficult consequences of not buying, it is a hard decision.

While one such hard decision is fine, making a series of hard decisions takes a lot of toll on the mind and the body. Decision making is a lot of hard work. And however "evolved" we may be, most of us tend to keep revisiting those decisions and wondering what-if scenarios, especially if things are not going the way we want. The following wonderful Thirukkural warns us against that behaviour, but then theory and practice are two different beasts.

 எண்ணித் துணிக கருமம் துணிந்தபின்
எண்ணுவம் என்பது இழுக்கு.

Translation - Consider, and then undertake a matter; after having undertaken it, to say "We will consider," is folly

Over a period of time, the strain of making these hard decisions swell up and we end up with a lot of stress that manifests itself as physical symptoms like headaches or back pains. 

Where am I going with all this is this? I have come to realize that it is extremely important for us to give this decision making quite some thought. We need to ensure that we can make more and more of these decisions the default way and confine only a few decisions to deep introspections. One sure way to do this is to ensure that we build a solid set of core values, principles, morals and ethics. Sitting on the fence and jumping on either side as per convenience will hurt in the long run. We need to really spend time thinking hard about what really matters to us and what our guiding compass looks like. There are some (or many) things that we may not care at all and that is totally fine. Since we do not care, either decision works and we are not stressed. 

Another observation that I have had is this -- often the after-effects of the decisions are not that difficult to handle. Once we are committed, we usually do what is in our hands to improve the situation. We tend to focus on solutions. It is the ambiguity of not making the decision that hurts most. Just spending an inordinate amount of time evaluating options is the killer. It is better to time box these decisions and commit by the end of it. Too many loose threads lead to losing too many hairs. 

While I have started giving this some serious thought, I will call out my favourite phrase -  "knowing is not doing". It is easy to preach than practice.


True many decisions are difficult to take and one ends up postponing thing. I have found that postponing certain decisions have actually eased matters, but that doesn't mean one should procrastinate. Doesn't help all the time. Decisions not taken on time and decisions taken on the spur without much thought can come back to haunt one at a later time. Taking decisions with the right balance works best, but it doesn't come easily. Just my experience.
Unknown said…
touches a chord here. Decisions are always difficult as we tend to look at various choices and their consequences. As humans we are never happy with what we are, what we get. It takes a great deal of maturity to learn this cool art of decision making and to be satisfied with it. This is where experience comes in, I think. Everyone goes through this and comes out learning a great deal of human decision making skills. Great going jothi. Keep writing.
shaishav said…
Stalking on your profile, I got to this blog :)
Loved it.

My 2.5 cents:

Making a time bound decision vs constant evaluation of outcomes & being indecisive vs making do-undo based on convenience - the choice is clearly conveyed.

IMHO, in realms of complex scenario, it's nearly impossible to make a perfect decision - because of numerous params involved - only few could be controlled, few others we don't even know ex. think Investments, Marriage partner, Dine out etc.

Again, being decisive, in a time sensitive manner, is the key to many locks.
Statistically, decision makers are at advantage.

Lastly, importance of being aware of your own value system - which drives most of decision making and even the evaluation of outcome. Possibly, this merits a new thread of it's own.

Pun is intended, if found.
sharone said…
Life has been filled with challenges ever since my husband left me and move on with another woman. Most times i had thought of ending it all. Things became worst when I lost my home, family and all to Hurricane Matthew and I became a refugee in my own country, Haiti. The only property I had left was an Internet-enabled phone in my pocket. One faithful day, i found one grandpa on the Internet, on Face-book. Someone from the US had testified of many great things that Grandpa omrodion had done for her and her family. I contacted him and the rest they say is history.Today i am happily married to a soldier I met in camp, and i am getting my happiness back again. I cannot keep this happiness to myself because i am not selfish. You too can contact dromorodion on E-mail: or call him on phone +2349072046883 whatsapp.

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